Monday 25 April 2016

Construction: Editing the Main Task

This is a screenshot of the thumbnails of out footage, titles and music.

This is a screenshot of our unedited footage:

We then made choices deciding which clips to keep and which clips to discard of considering which shots were framed the best, had the best lighting, had the best sound quality and had the best line deliveries. We also chose to delete some scenes; they were unnecessary as they didn't provide the audience with any context or character.

We have edited the footage and cut it from 27 minutes to 1 minute and 44 seconds. This is only a first draft of our opening scene as we were mainly focusing on getting the correct clips and ordering the sequence of events. We have began experimenting with sound, visual/aural effects and titles however these will need to be developed on.

Sunday 24 April 2016

Construction: Visual Effects

Here I have a graphic match. The camera slowly zooms into the photograph on the newspaper and then, by using a cross dissolve transitions, the photograph turns into footage of the teenagers walking across the field.

The beginning titles all fade to black in order to create a flowing nature from one title to the next. The amount of black frames also help to create an eerie atmosphere before the viewing of the film has even begun.

The titles that appear as the film is occurring fade in and fade out providing a smooth transition - I did this by using an addictive dissolve to fade in the text and then a film dissolve to fade out the text.

Friday 22 April 2016

Construction: Considering Titles

We have decided to overlap our titles over our footage; it creates a more interesting visual. In order to achieve the best titles suited for our film opening, we will need to consider the titles fonts, sizes and placement.

 Font: Chalkdust

I think that this font isn't suitable for our titles because it looks tacky and slightly childish - it doesn't give off a professional vibe.

Font: Chalkdust

I decided to use the same font but experiment with the sizes and placement of the titles. By doing this, I have realised that I want the titles to remain straight (not slanted) and for sizes to be the same.

Font: Avenir Narrow           

In comparison to the previous font, chalkdust, these titles look a lot more professional although they lack visibility.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Font: Avenir

This is the same font however I have adjusted the boldness of the letters so that they are readable. I like this font but I think it looks extremely bland.

Font: Courier New

I selected this font as it matches the newspaper at the beginning of the opening scene; it seems like an old-fashioned newspaper - it doesn't stand out though.

Font: Courier New

I have made our names bolder to make them the focus point - but this then makes the actual title not as visible.

Font: Courier New

I have made the title 'Edited By' bolder instead so the audience know what we've done, however now our names aren't as clear.

Font: Courier New

By making the entire title bold, it ensures that the audience can clearly read them. I then experimented with the placement of the titles. In this case, the titles cannot cover the lighter area due to the white font which blends in with the background.

                                                                    Font: Courier New

I then moved the titles into a darker area so the text had a large contrast against the background therefore becoming easily readable.

The Main Title

For our main title, we have decided to have a font which features the theme of the woods within it in order to emphasise the significance of the woods.

OPTION 1 - This font is striking and bold however I don't think it fits with the genre of film; it 
                     looks more fitting for a light-hearted film rather than a horror.

OPTION 2 - The twisting branches within this font helps convey the eerie nature of the film.
                    As well as this the font is extremely bold and would stand out.

OPTION 3 - Although this font incorporates the mysterious factor into the opening scene, it  
                    may not stand out against the background due to the white lines overlapping      
                    black letters.

OPTION 4 - The font, though it is of a wooden theme, looks more like planks which doesn't   
                    express the ideology of a creepy forest. It also isn't as distinct compared to 
                    other fonts because white is the prominent colour.

This is out selected title:


Thursday 21 April 2016