Monday 16 November 2015

Research: Codes And Conventions In Existing Horror Films

Dead Wood


-In the woods to show isolation (no help)
-Character falls over when danger is near

-Character comes to a ditch and has to stop
-The tent (safety)
 is close and something prevents the character from being able to make it there
-Rustling in bushes to show danger is near
-Character doesn’t call out for help
-Character doesn't make it to safety
-Character dies in the first couple of minutes

-Man and woman on their own
-Another character comes out of safety to see where the previous character is

Use of Camera:

-Panning shot showing the woods
-Mid shots of the man running
-Close-up when he falls over
-First-person view when man is near the ditch
-High-angle shot when man comes up to the ditch
-Low-angle shot when man is at the edge of the ditch
-Close-up to show man’s expressions
-Slow-motion shot when man tries to jump over the ditch
-Low-angle shot to show the man struggling to lift himself up
-Close-up of the man when he gets stabbed
-Close-up of the man’s hands when he falls
-Pans up to the woman getting out the tent
-Receding crane shot when the woman is calling out man’s name


-Man is wearing a Hawaiian shirt; bit of an idiot
-There is already blood on the man's face when the film starts which lets the audience know that whatever is chasing after him has already got to him previously
-The shading from the trees make the atmosphere seem eerie and mysterious
-The tent symbolises safety when danger is close

Use of Sound:

-Starts off with nature sounds and slow-paced, ghostly music
-A foot running through a puddle interrupts the music and it becomes fast-paced and tense to show danger


-Fades into the first scene
-When it becomes tense clips are shorter and therefore change more often
-Clips are linear which makes the story flow the way it should so it makes sense
-Slow motion when the man is jumping over the ditch to create suspense

Dead Mary


-Isolated in the middle of nowhere
-No signal so characters won't be able to call for help if they are faced with danger
-Man and woman are separated
-There's no gas in the car therefore the engine won't start
-There's something the character could use when in danger but they put it away and out of reach

Use of Camera:

-Close-up of object that is unknown
-Close-up to show main objects, e.g. car, woman, trees
-Establishing shot of road to show distance
-Someone else's point of view of car (watching woman)

Use of Sound:

-Metallic sound creates fear
-Diegetic sound crackling of radio
-Diegetic sound trees swaying


-Clips are linear
-Cuts are slow so make sense
-Blurriness when camera looks down the road


-Music gives sense that villain is there but can't see it
-Character is wearing revealing clothes
-Different camera shots, angles and movements give sense of danger
-Lighting from shade of trees gives eerie feeling

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