Monday 12 October 2015

Preliminary Task Evaluation

Describe the set brief for the preliminary task. What was it that you were asked to create? Use the correct media specific vocabulary and show that you understand the meaning of these terms.

For our preliminary task we had to film and edit a video with someone entering a room and exchanging two pieces of dialogue with another person. We had to include a range of different camera shots, angles and movements, and also use the 180 degree rule, match on action and the shot/reverse shot.

Explain everything that you did leading up to the point when you started filming (pre-production). Discuss how this process helped to prepare you for filming.

We started by coming up with some ideas that we could use and picked out our favourite one. Once we knew what we wanted to make the video about we started planning and discussing how we could use the different camera shots, angles and movements to fit well with what was happening in the video. This helped us prepare for filming because it would be easier to do as we would know what we wanted it to look like and could get straight on with it.

Describe the filming process itself (production). How did this go?

When we were filming we looked at the story board and made sure we made the clip as close to our initial plans for it as we could. Our filming process took about two hours. We took multiple clips of each shot so we could pick out the best of each of them when it came round to editing.

Explain the editing stage for your Preliminary Task (post-production). This should include how you applied new skills you have learnt.

When I started editing I looked through all of the clips we filmed and picked out the best ones that would go well together. I had to check that there were no mistakes such as the match on action shot was ruined or we didn't stick to the 180 degree rule. Once I had done this I put them all together and made sure it was all in time and flowed well.

Evaluate your finished Preliminary Task. How well does it meet the expectations of your set brief? Which parts of it do you think are particularly strong? Where are there weaknesses? What can you identify as being an area for development when it comes to producing your Main Task?

Overall I think that the finished preliminary task was good and met the expectations that we wanted it to. We managed to get in a good range of shots, angles and movements. We also put in the match on action, 180 degree rule and the shot/reverse shot which made it better. We could have improved by making some of the match on action shots better so the clip looks more realistic, an example of this is that some of the facial expressions change between shot that are put next to each other.

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